Monday, February 25, 2013

Eugene Pottier in division 95 Pere-Lachaise - update February 25

Eugene Pottier, buried in division 95 of Pere-Lachaise, authored the lyrics to the "Internationale," the revolutionary socialist song (music by Pierre Degeyter, buried in cemetery of Saint-Denis), not hte "Marseillaise" as I originally posted. The creator of the words of "Marseillaise" is Claude Rouget de l' Isle, who was buried in the cemetery of Choisy-le-Roi before being transferred to the Pantheon.  Thanks to Philippe Landru for the correction!

1 comment:

philandru said...

Sorry Steeve, but little mistake ! Pottier is the creator of the words of the International (on a music of Pierre Degeyter, buried in cemetery of Saint-Denis), which is the international revolutionary socialist song. The creator of the words of Marseillaise is Claude Rouget de l' Isle, who was buried in the cemetery of Choisy-le-Roi before being transferred to the Pantheon.